May 12, 2004

TV Review: Angel: "Power Play"

Fangs for the Memories
Corny, I know, but as we are fast approaching the end of Angel I think it's a requirement. After five years, our vampire with a soul will be leaving our screens. Tonight the second to last episode has graced our screens. And after seeing what is being setup for the finale, I'm not sure how they intend to do it in one hour of television time, or approximately 42-44 minutes.

This penultimate episode has a lot going on as the main players are being moved into position for the final confrontation. This episode has a lot going on and the we are all the better for it. A lot of the goings on are pulled together here, the demise of Fred, Angel's strange actions over the past few weeks, Illyria and Wes's relationship, Spike's typical self.

The crew spends the majority of the episode trying to figure out Angel's actions. For awhile, I actually thought he had become Angelus again, for those who aren't familiar, he is Angel's evil alter ego is the short answer. It seems he has jumped from the Good ship Lollipop and gone over to the other side. Basically he acts the head of a law firm! Meanwhile the guardian of the Deeper Well arrives apparently beaten to near death on orders from Angel, and a mysterious shape appears to Wes and not-so-nice guy Lindsey holds the answers. All the while the Senior Partner's liaison, the not-quite-right Hamilton, is just being his normal bizarre self.

The show is peppered with humor and speeches. The humor is always well done on this show, never dissipating the tension, but acting as a counter-balance to the sometimes overly serious tone the show has. The seriousness is still there, as is the occasional fist fight among supernatural pugilists. The show wraps a lot of things into a nice package.

The title of this episode refers to Angel's attempts to join the Black Thorn Circle, who apparently the main baddies in charge of the game board. And when he finally sees this, a larger realization is made that he had not been able to get past. This fight isn't about being able to stop this seemingly invincible force, but to make their lives a living hell rather then roll over and accept the consequences. Of course, this will cost a terrible price if they are to attempt it, because it means all of the denizens of the supernatural world will be unleashed upon them. Basically, to fight, while possibly giving a short lived victory, will surely end with their deaths.

With one episode to go, there seems like a lot to get done. It makes me mad to see such good television go before it's time, this show had a few more good years left in it. But I will be back next week to discuss the finale and what the future may hold. But, please, do me a favor, make it a point to tune in next week and watch the end of an era.


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