May 14, 2004

DVD Quick Take: Poltergest

Poltergeist (d. Tobe Hooper, s. JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Beatrice Straight)
Just finished watching this. I haven't seen this movie in years, probably since the '80s. I can report that the film holds up nicely today, although parts do seem a bit dated it doesn't make it any less enjoyable.

I'm sure most of you are at least familiar with the story. A family moves into a new home, strange things happen, television kidnaps daughter, strange shows up to help, all hell breaks loose. The format follows the formula, but the proceedings have a certain charm to them. The events start innocently enough with a furniture sliding across the floor, then escalating to entire rooms filled with flying and animated objects, to more gruesome sightings.

I was actually surprised with some of the content of this PG rated movie. Probably most surprising was the scene with the parents smoking marijuana. Probably not the worst they could have done, but I did not believe drug use would pass for PG. The other surprising scene was the one with the guy peeling off his face.

As for the disk itself, it is rather disappointing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, this was a very early release coming out way back in 1997. So, it is not anamorphically enhanced, no DTS track. And a sad lack of extras. The only extra on here is a trailer.

The video looks is soft and murky, lacking in any real definition. The audio is terrible, it is very low meaning you'll need to crank the volume to hear the dialogue.

I told you, this would be quick, I wanted to write something, but this disk didn't inspire me too much. Maybe next time...


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