May 23, 2004

Poll Results: Which television show will you miss the most?

The results are in! The votes have been tallied and the public has spoken. Sadly, there were only 7 votes, and one of them was mine. Hopefully next time there will be more participation. Anyway, here are the results:

Which television show will you miss the most?
Friends 2 votes.
Frasier 0 votes.
The Practice 1 vote.
Angel 4 votes.
Boston Public 0 votes.
Wonderfalls 0 votes.

I voted for Angel. I am sure there are other series I could have added, but based on the vote count, it probably wouldn't have made a difference. I am a little disappointed in the turn out, and surprised by the results. I thought for sure there would be more people missing Friends, well I'll call it a pleasant surprise considering my choice "won". Some these shows ended gracefully, others were cancelled, and some were quietly removed without telling anyone. However they went, they will all be missed to some extent. Angel, to me was the best show on that list, original, well written and just plain great. Wonderfalls didn't even get a chance to get going which is a shame, it had a lot of potential. Boston Public was another show I really liked, Fox killed it by moving it to Friday nights, then just pulling it with no explanation. The other three were allowed to bow out gracefully. The only thing I can say to close this is, if you find a show you like, support it to the end.

OK, new business, time for a new quiz! Let's get more participation this time around. This weeks question is: Where do you prefer going to see movies?