June 15, 2004

Movie Quick Take: The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow. One of the best disaster flicks I have seen. Destruction on a massive scale, some corny dialogue, the slimmest of plots to hang the action on, perfect. This is far from being a great film, but it hits all of the right points to make it an excellent popcorn flick. Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhall are the father and son on which the plot hangs. The plot is so inconsequential in this movie, we know what you're here for, tornadoes destroying LA, giant hail in Japan, snow in India, tidal waves in New York. In short, the special effects that make us believe this destruction is happening. I think the best thing about this movie is that it keeps the action going for two hours and doesn't let up, it doesn't take a half hour or so to set the groundwork, the story is set up as the action builds up and is happening all around them. Effective use of time. If you like disaster flicks, you owe it to yourself to see this.


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