June 15, 2004

Movie Quick Take: Troy

Troy. What a disappointment. First off it is about 40 minutes too long and sports one of the worst cases of miscasting in a long time. Brad Pitt does not belong in this movie. Don't get me wrong, Pitt is an excellent actor, but he doesn't belong in this epic, his acting style and look are too modern and he brings nuances to a character where none should be. The story has a lot of mythology involved in it with the Greek gods, but this film eliminates virtually all of that, which was a mistake. Orlando Bloom is such a bland actor, I wonder if he has a pulse at times. The high points to the movie are Eric Bana as Hector, wonderful performance, and Peter O'Toole as the King of Troy, he brings life to all his scenes and credibility to the movie. The battle between Hector and Achilles is excellent, but too short. This was decent entertainment, but could have been so much more. This movie also proves that we should not see anymore CG armies for a long, long time.


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