June 13, 2004

Results. Weekly Poll 5/23/04 Where do prefer going to see a movie?
A little bit later than expected, but here are the final results of my 3 week poll. It wasn't supposed to be 3 weeks, but with my PC downtime this is the first scheduled time that I've been able to address it. A few more votes than on my last poll, hopefully the number will continue to climb.
The mall theater 0% 0
The local megaplex 55% 6
Second run theater 9% 1
The arthouse theater 9% 1
I do not go to the movies 0% 0
Movies? I only watch DVD 27% 3
Total Votes: 11

I'm not terribly surprised by the results, although I had expected at least a few votes for the mall. I voted for the local megaplex, although I do frequent a number of establishments. I have visited 4 of them in the past week! Last Wednesday I was at the megaplex, Thursday at the second run theater, Saturday at the arthouse, and today the mall theater. Each has their own charm, or lack thereof. I answered the megaplex because that is the newest theater in my area, they have the widest selection as well as the newest equipment to provide the best projection. While I could sit back and just watch DVD's I feel I would be missing the experience. There is just something about getting a seat in the middle of a large theater with that giant screen spread out in front of you, a bucket of popcorn in our lap and the previews about to start that you just can't replicate in the home. And don't forget the atmosphere with a large like minded crowd at a movie you've been anxiously waiting for.

For the person who answered the local arthouse, I applaud you. I love going there to see a new indie or foreign film and being able to support them in their continued ability to fill that void.

It is getting on in the evening so I will end this discussion here. Please continue to post or email me your comments as I do plan to post a column on my thoughts about the theater experience, for better and worse. If anyone send me a good story or anecdote or whatever, I could use it for this article.

And be sure to vote for the new poll: What's your opinion of movie sequels?


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