June 27, 2004

Weekly Poll Results: 6/20/2004: Which summer movie are most interested in?
Spider-Man 2 50% 4
The Bourne Supremacy 25% 2
King Arthur 13% 1
I, Robot 13% 1
Alien vs. Predator 0% 0
Catwoman 0% 0
Collateral 0% 0
total votes: 8

I had hoped for a few more votes, but that's OK. I guessed that Spidey 2 would come out on top. It is probably the only assured of being very successful. I am sure most of the others will be hits as well, but Spidey has good early buzz, plus the original was such a huge hit. I myself chose Spidey.

The thing that surprised me were the 2 votes for The Bourne Supremacy. I didn't see the original until it was on DVD, and I thought it was a very well made action/thriller. Matt Damon proved that he could hold his own as an action star, and it was nice to see Franke Potente in a Hollywood role, I wish her more success in America. The sequel looks good from the trailers I've seen, I'm just not sure what kind of impact it will have, I don't remember the first being that much of a hit.

King Arthur, looks like it may be good, but Clive Owen seems kind of bland in the trailers. Also, it may be risky taking out the legendary aspects of the story, it didn't work too well for Troy. Also, it appears they have given Lancelot too much of a modern spin, what with the two swords thing. I hope I'm wrong and it turns out well.

I approach I, Robot with a lot of apprehension. I love the work of Isaac Asimov, but this appears to be an adaptation in name only. The novel didn't have "summer blockbuster" written on it, much less Will Smith. My hope lies with director Alex Proyas. He has already made a couple of my favorite films with The Crow and Dark City, it will be interesting to see what the final product looks like here.

Aliens vs. Predator can go either way. I remember when Ridley Scott and James Cameron considered teaming up for this, then it to Paul Anderson, big letdown. I have enjoyed most of Anderson's films, but they are never terribly great or original. His best prior film being Event Horizon. Anyway, I hope they tie the story into the lineage of the earlier films. I do like the touch of having Lance Henriksen in it, having appeared in two of the Aliens films already.

Catwoman is a train wreck in the making. Halle Berry is a beautiful woman who looks extremely goofy in the costume. The acting looks poor, I have also heard the script is poor. The biggest problem here is that they seem to have completely cut ties to the world of Gotham City and Batman, having changed the locale and character's names. Nothing will annoy the comic fans more than by straying so far from the source material. I am sure I will end up seeing it, but my expectations will be very low.

Lastly, Collateral, the latest from Tom Cruise and director Michael Mann. This could be a good pairing. Mann is an excellent director and Cruise a fine actor. The thing is pairing him up with Jamie Foxx, it just strikes me as an odd combination. I hope it works the trailer looked fantastic.


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