July 6, 2004

Pick of the Week: 7/6/04

It's that time once again for my Pick of the Week. This week it is going to be, wait for it, wait for it, Batman: The Animated Series- Volume 1. It's been a long time coming for this one. Up until now, all Warner Brothers has been giving us was some mix disks. A smattering of episodes, not in any particular order, just clumps. Granted, I was happy to get whatever I could, but season sets are what I, and all of The Animated Series fans, wanted. Finally the WB gave in to the fans and are starting to give us those sets.

For those few of you who are unfamiliar with the series, it debuted to great acclaim 12 years ago. It was a dark, yet family friendly, version of the Dark Knight, and quite possibly the greatest incarnation outside of the comics. It didn't have that goofy WHAM! BANG! of the television series from the 1960's, and it didn't descend into the absurdity that the film series turned into. What we got was an intelligently written, well animated version that young and old fans could enjoy. It wasn't all action, or comedy, and it used the detective elements of the old comics to its advantage. It really became a wonderful series, something that all animation, superhero, or just fans of good television should make a point of seeing. I personally cannot wait to get my set and sit down and see the classic episodes again.

There are a few other good titles coming out this week. There is another superhero series becoming available as a season set, Challenge of the Superfriends, the cheesy, yet fun series from the 1970's, I am looking forward to this more for nostalgic purposes than anything else. Also is The Name of the Rose, an excellent murder mystery set in a monastery starring Sean Connery and Christian Slater. Next up is Butterfly Effect, the film that proved Ashton Kutcher may have acting ability after all, and its a good movie to boot. Red Sonya, the Conan spin-off also sees it's first DVD release this week. On the music front, nothing much of interest. That's it for this week!


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