July 4, 2004

Results. Weekly Poll: 6/27/04: Which genre of music do you prefer?
First, I like to a big thank you to whoever decided to spam this weeks poll. As much as I would like to think I have accurate results, this is not funny. I also know that that this isn't exactly a scientific study, but still. Whoever it was, please don't. Thank you.

That being said here are the results, including the spammage:
Classical 74% 20
Rock 11% 3
Metal 7% 2
Dance 4% 1
R&B 4% 1
Pop 0% 0
Hip-Hop 0% 0
Country 0% 0
total votes: 27

I voted for metal. I do love all different styles of music, this is the area that I reach for the most. When I first got into music, glam metal was in full swing. You remember the bands, Poison, Warrant, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Skid Row, and others. It was fun stuff and acted as a gateway to the heavier metal acts like Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer. When I got to college, my tastes began to expand, some rap was entering the mix, plus there was the emergence of grunge, and I was exposed to more styles.

Currently my collection includes something from virtually all of the main styles, although it would be easy to see what I listen to the most. Of course, I as I have gotten older, I have gone back to artists I had written off as not cool or whatever, and have become a fan of artists I never would have listened to before. I remember hating U2 in junior high, for no reason really, I know recognize how great they are. The same thing goes for David Bowie, who is now one of my favorite artists. I still don't listen to much country or R&B, but they have standout artists as well.

Anyway, the only way to truly enjoy music, or any type of entertainment, id to be open to other possibilities. You never know what you may end up liking.


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