July 17, 2004

Top 10: Addendum

I just remembered another show that should have been on this past Wednesday's Top Ten list. It probably would have gone in the place of Roswell if i had thought about it at the time. For the sake of continuity, I will call this number 11.
11. Andy Richter Controls the Universe: Andy Richter is a funny man, and his talents are being wasted on that mediocre summer series, Quintuplets. This is another victim of the wonderful program managers over at Fox. it was bumped around the schedule and preempted to the point people could not find it. The worst thing about this cancellation is that this show was actually funny, something a lot of sitcoms don't accomplish these days. For those unfamiliar with the show, it centered on Richter who has a very active imagination, and the show will often veer into his absurd alternate realities before snapping back to the here and now. It was an excellent show that should still be on today.


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