August 3, 2004

Pick of the Week

This week's pick, like usual, was a bit tough to make, but here goes. This week I pick: 13 Going on 30. Not the typical Draven99 fare, but I loved this film. It is Jennifer Garner's first shot at carrying a film as the star, and while not a great film per se, it is a lot of fun. It aspires to be Big, and succeeds on its own. It doesn't hurt that I have been a fan of Jennifer Garner ever since I first saw her during the first season of Alias.

This movie follows a young girl who wishes she were grown up, she wakes up and she is 30. Of course, this leads to much hilarity as she deals with the adult world, and brings a level of child like wonder to it. You will be able to make many parallels to Big, but it is so light hearted and enjoyable that it doesn't matter. Garner brings a wonderful charisma to the screen.

There are a few other titles of note this week:

That's it for this week, obviously there are others out there, but these are what I chose to focus on. I hope you all find something to you taste.


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