September 26, 2004

Poll Results.Favorite Star Wars film:

Weekly Poll: 9/19/04 Favorite Star Wars film:

  • Star Wars: A New Hope 25% 1
  • The Empire Strikes Back 75% 3
  • Return of the Jedi 0% 0
  • The Phantom Menace 0% 0
  • Attack of the Clones 0% 0
  • I love them all 0% 0
  • None of them 0% 0
  • No opinion 0% 0
  • total votes: 4
I thought for sure that this would have had a bigger turnout. It generally seems that everyone has an opinion on the Star Wars films. Personally I have enjoyed all of them and even when they are bad, they are still good. Makes perfect sense to me. What follows is my ranking of the films, which can change on a daily basis, and I can talk about any of them and make them sound good or bad.
  1. The Empire Strikes Back. What a glorious movie this is, character growth, action, Vader, lightsabers, snowwalkers. This is just a great film from start to finish.
  2. A New Hope. This is where it all began. the adventure starts here, or this is where we pick it up halfway through depending on the point of view.
  3. Attack of the Clones. Things start falling into place, not all of it makes sense, but the action is amped up here climaxing in that wonderful mass of flying lightsabers.
  4. Return of the Jedi. Underrated and underappreciated, this film had some great sequences. Jabba's palace, the run at the Death Star II, Luke vs. Vader II. Plus Ewoks!
  5. Attack of the Clones. Had some good stuff, but the writing was not up to par, and it introduces some things that just didn't seem to fit.
There you have it, the bottom line is these films are a blast to watch and I hope more of you are enjoying them than took part in the poll. And a last thing, please avoid Star Wars threads, angry bitter places. Star Wars is meant to be fun, never lose that focus.


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