October 17, 2004

Poll Results. Which Network do you watch the most:

Weekly Poll 10/10: Which Network do you watch the most:
Another popular poll, although I don't know what happened to the results. Yesterday the poll disappeared, I'm not sure what happened, but I can't get to the website to create a new poll either. I ended up using another site to make this week's. I know I had at least 3 votes including mine:

  • ABC- 1
  • NBC- 1
  • Other- 1
I admit, that this was not a terribly good question, but I was having trouble thinking up a question. Sadly, that was the best I could come up with at the time. I took a quick look through my watching schedule based on the current show listing, and NBC won my vote. Although there are good shows on other stations, NBC seems to get my tastes most often featuring my current favorite sitcom in Scrubs, but ABC has my favorite drama with Lost. While my favorite shows are spread out, I most often find myself landing on NBC.


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