October 18, 2004

TV Review: Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars Part 1

I approached my viewing of this with unabashed glee. I have waited for this for so long. Finally the return of Farscape to television. It was, hands down, on of the best shows to ever grace the airwaves. It had the rug pulled out from under it in 2002 when it was cancelled after four seasons, despite the contract which had called for a fifth. More to the point, The Sci-Fi Channel decided to bring it back for a 4 hour mini-series, the first part of which aired last night.

It picks up right where season four had ended. John and Aeryn had just been shot and turned into a pile of crystals. They are soon reintegrated to discover that the Peacekeepers and Scarrans are at war. On top of that, Scorpius has discovered that Crichton is alive and sets off to find him, with the Scarrans hot on their trail.

It's hard to be objective when watching this, but everything was firing on all the right cylinders. It still had that wonderful mix of action, adventure, comedy, and romance, not to mention the fantastic alien settings.

It was a fantastic two hours, and I cannot wait for the conclusion this evening. I plan on rewatching the entire series and commenting properly on it, after letting it sink in. I encourage all of you to tune in tonight and watch it all. They will be re-airing part 1 at 7PM immediately followed by the conclusion at 9PM.


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