February 6, 2005

Concert Review: Metadox

There's nothing quite like a night of live music, is there? Especially when it's quality work. This past Friday night was one of those nights. I went to the local music venue, The Chance Theater, and took in a few up and coming local acts as they took to the stage.

The first act of the evening went by the name of Waiting for Nothing. They hit around 9:00 and played for 20-25 minutes. They were OK. They struck me as being very young and not terribly experienced at working the stage, nor have they been together very long, I could be wrong. They played a Green Day style pop-punk, not really my preferred style, but that's OK. Their inexperience showed through numerous mistakes, the timing was off and they weren't that tight. But what they lacked for in experience they made for with heart, they were up their trying, believing in the music they played and if they keep it up, the ability will grow. The most promising thing was at about the halfway point, they started moving onstage, the crowd reacted positively and they fed off of it. I am not sure I'd go out of my way to see them again, but I wouldn't avoid them.

The next act was the polar rock opposite of what we had just seen, it was a goth/nu-metal act called In Restraint. They were a very mixed bag for their near half hour set. The singer was, for the most part, another in a long line of generic screamers. As much as I hate to admit it, these screamers are starting to bug me, there is no growth in a lot of it and you can't tell them apart. Anyway, he started singing a little bit which helped out, but he could use a little more range. The guitar sounded OK, but it was buried in the mix and the tone was a little overdone. The bass filled in the back nicely with a deep distorted sound, slightly reminiscent of the sound Peter Steele gets for Type O Negative. The best part of this act was the drummer, he has enormous talent. He had a good style, and he was quick. Overall they were OK, but they have a long way to go towards being an original act.

Time to change speeds up, we were now presented with Howsten, an act that a co-worker has been wanting me to see for awhile. They were actually quite impressive. They were the first act of the night to really inhabit the stage and make it theirs. They actually were quite active moving around and interacting with the crowd, it looks as if they have been together for awhile. They were tight, but none of the players really stood out. That may not be a great sign, but despite the lack of the standout musician, they all formed a unit ripping through some decent radio-friendly type rock. As much as I enjoyed the performance, their wasn't a lot to differentiate them from a lot of the other acts currently on the radio. But that can come with time, the more you play the more you will develop your own voice, hopefully. They seem to have what it takes to be successful, it will be interesting to see if and how they develop.

Next up was the co-headliner, Dropp'd. This band was noticeably older than the other acts on the bill, and I mean that in the best possible way as I've seen their name pop up on the bills from time to time, but until now have never seen them. They actually very good, although at times I kept hoping for some songs with more energy. They sort of reminded me of Collective Soul. They were a very accomplished stage presence which played well, the music was good, but it lacked a certain something, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Shortly before midnight, the act that we have all been waiting for took to the stage. The headliner, Metadox. I have seen these guys a couple of times in the past, and each time they put on a good show, playing an old school style of metal, heavily influenced by the likes of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Tonight's show was betrayed by a poor sound mix, it was very heavy on the kick drum, plus the guitars were buried down in it. It was a shame too, because what I heard sounded good. The twin guitar attack is what carries their sound, from the riffs tot he lead harmonies. These kids have some very good material and have a bright future. They played for about 45 minutes playing primarily original material, plus an uncanny cover of Iron Maiden's "The Trooper." As much as I like their sound, the mix kept me from completely getting into it, I kept hoping the the mixed would notice it and correct it, but no such luck. I did get the chance to meet bass player Jon Loria and guitarist Frank Tosi, a good couple of guys who know their way around the stage. I hope to see them develop more into the future. (Coming Soon: A look at Metadox' EP recording)

Overall it was a very good night of local rock and metal. It was a little disheartening how the crowd seemed to dwindle as the night went on, but for those who stuck around were treated to even more music. If there is a local music scene wherever you are, support it, you never know who may end up being the next big thing, and you never know where you may discover some very good music.


Anonymous said...

I saw that show, and would have to agree that the opening bands were high energy, but still have a ways to go. The headliners were plagued by bad mixing, and with the kind of music they play, the mix is very important. I've seen Metadox open a few times, and think they're on to something. A melodic spin on contemporary metal, or a modern spin on old school metal, either way, I think they have the chops to pull it off. It sure is refreshing to hear talent, and are mastering their instruments. The guitarists are awesome, the lead singer is a standout, and the drummer makes me think of Slipnot and Neil Pert. I look forward to seeing them again. Hopefully, wherever the play, the soundman will be able to do them justice so the listeners can get a better appreciation of this bands talent.

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