March 9, 2005

Poll Results: 2/1/05

2/1/2005: What Movie Should Win Best Picture?

  • The Aviator 10% 1
  • Finding Neverland 20% 2
  • Million Dollar Baby 0% 0
  • Ray 0% 0
  • Sideways 0% 0
  • Other 70% 7
  • No Opinion 0% 0
  • total votes: 10

OK, the Oscars are behind us and this poll has outlasted its usefulness. It also appears that those who participated don't agree with the Academy's choices. I felt the need to choose one that was offered, and my choice had been for The Aviator.

Now I'm curious, what film would you have awarded Best Picture? It doesn't have to be one of the nominees, pick anyone.


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