I'm usually not the guy who does news reporting, I generally stick to things that aren't usually time constrictive, like movie and DVD reviews. But, this is too exciting to ignore. Quentin Tarantino, enjoying his day of work on comic book turned movie Sin City, has decided to put his own stamp on the comic book film arena by making a comic property his next project.
It had previously been reported that Tarantino was knee deep in bringing his WWII epic, Inglorious Bastards, to the big screen, possibly in multiple volumes sort of Kill Bill style. By now, you have seen the commercials showing Quentin as a special guest director on Sin City, he actually only worked one day on the project, but that combined with encouraging words from pal Robert Rodriguez, he is gung ho to make comic books his own.
Enough with the suspense already, in addition to this already huge news, he has also announced which property he intends on bringing to the silver screen. Now some of you newer comic fans may or may not know this title, and non comic aficionados may have no idea what this is, but rest assured it appears to be a character well suited to Tarantino's skills. The character is Bloodshot. It took a bit to sink in, as my memories of Valiant comics is a bit thin, but it figures that Quentin would find some relatively obscure character. It sort of mirrors what he's done for the careers of some of his stars, most notably John Travolta.
Bloodshot, if I remember correctly, he was an assassin whose blood was infected with nanites, small robots that healed him and enhanced his abilities. I remember it being a rather violent book, but also being well written. Makes me want to dig out my old books and give them another read! A combination of science fiction, action, suspense, perfect material.
Knowing the poetry that Quentin can create both verbally and visually gives me high hopes that this could become one of the greatest comic book films of all time. The next thing to wonder about is casting, I am not sure who could pull this character off convincingly. The guy would have to be built, and of Asian decent. The first name that came to mind is not Asian, but has the right build, Jason Statham, maybe he could be recruited as a bad guy? Oh, I know! How about Jason Scott Lee? He has an impressive physique and looks like he could pull it off, and with Quentin directing? Magic.
This is exciting, but at the same time a little sad. Sad because of the WWII film going on the back burner, a Tarantino war epic could also be something.
Time will tell how this plays out, me I can't wait!
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