May 7, 2005

March 2005 Movie Recap.

Welcome to my March 2005 Movie Recap. Your one stop shop to see what I saw during said month. All films viewed theatrically. These will be part of a forthcoming, and ongoing, listing of all films I've seen across various formats. If I ever catch up on my DVD watching I may start including them here as well.

Best Movie of the Month: Head On
Worst Movie of the Month: The Ring Two
  1. Be Cool. I saw this twice, the second time I liked less than the first. It was entertaining, but nowhere near the level of Get Shorty. The writing struck me as a bit lazy and uninspired. The Rock was funny in it though. **.5
  2. Guess Who? Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher's take on the Sidney Poitier film. Surprisingly good, but it doesn't go as far as it could have. Still a good film. ***
  3. Head On. A film about damaged people in fractured relationships. A down and dirty gritty film. Just see it. ***.5
  4. Hostage. Bruce Willis stars in this surprisingly origanal thriller. Stylish and exciting, this was a big surprise. Very good film. ***
  5. The Jacket. Depressing and mind messing is the best way to describe this. Adrien Brody is good at playing the war vet. Keira Knightley doesn't have a lot to do though. Definitely worth a look see. ***
  6. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous. Fun, ultimately pointless. There was no real reason for this movie, outside of serving as a vehicle for Sandra Bullock's return to the big screen. It is still a fun little romp. **.5
  7. The Ring Two. What a disappointment. There was a lot of potential here, but whoever wrote it fell asleep at the switch. Not terribly scary, more on the dull and lifeless side. **
  8. Robots. Great Taste, Less Filling. The design is fantastic, the concept interesting, the execution poor. The film keeps such a high pace, that there is no room for any development. And somebody, please reign in Mr. Williams, he is too crazy and needs someone to keep him focused. **.5
  9. The Sea Inside. Javier Bardem gives a good performance, but I have issues with the subject. I couldn't help but see a selfish man, who made up his own mind with little regard to those around him. **.5
  10. Turtles Can Fly. Fascinating film about a group of orphans living on the Iraqi border at the start of the war. Very good film with some wonderful performances from the kids involved. ***

That's it for this edition!

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