May 16, 2005

The Week That Was.....A Viewer's Diary: 5/8-5/14

Welcome to another week of The Week That Was.
I apologize for the lateness. I will attempt to not let that happen again.

In the immortal words of Eric Berlin "Obey the Ray."

Sunday 5/8.

  • King of the Hill. Bobby gets used by the track coach as a motivator. A couple of funny moments. **.5
  • Malcolm in the Middle. Reese actually studies for finals, Francis tries out some games on Dewey, and Dewey's classmates take the teacher hostage. **.5
  • The Simpsons. Guest starring Fantasia, we get the Simpsons take on American Idol. Next. *.5
  • The Simpsons. Homer becomes enraptured by the coming Rapture, thoughts from a religious film burn themselves into his mind. This one was better. **.5
  • Family Guy. Brian becomes a substitute teacher after Chris becomes infatuated with the current substitute. The sub propositions him to participate in a murder. "What do you see?" "Two D's and an F." ***.5
  • American Dad. The new boyfriend is not approved of so Stan's daughter moves out and starts working at a strip club. ***
  • Crossing Jordan. I liked this episode a lot. The main story follows Nigel as he begins a relationship with a woman whose daughter gets kidnapped, but the motives are not what is expected. Meanwhile, Macy helps a man who appears at the morgue with amnesia. ***.5
  • Desperate Housewives. Keeping up the fun as a guilty pleasure, although I am not following terribly closely. ***
  • Grey's Anatomy. Meredith's relationship news starts to spread causing more problems. A doctor falls asleep during surgery. ***

Monday 5/9.

  • WWE: Raw. Decent show. Christian finally getting some attention. Kane eliminates Benoit. Shelton continues to shine. ***
  • 24. The Chinese embassy suspects CTU's involvement, plus Marwan is discovered just in time to see a rocket ready for launch. Jack's involvement at the embassy is suspected. ****
  • Las Vegas. Jon Lovitz shows up with Ashani for some fun at the casino. ***
  • Medium. A spiritual child killer rears his head in the dreamworld. **.5

Tuesday 5/10.

  • Scrubs. The season finale Funny and touching, Turk and Carla are on the mend, JD is adjusting to life alone, and Eliot moves on. ***.5
  • House. House scares a guy into having a stroke, whose condition suddenly worsens. Cameron is back, and we get to see the interesting interaction she has on her date with House. ***
  • Veronica Mars. The finale was incredible. The season long mystery is front and center as Lily's murderer is discovered and Veronica is put in a powerless position, which helps to cement Kristen Bell as a fully formed actress giving us a multifaceted performance, reminds me of Jennifer Garner in early Alias episodes. Anyway this series is fantastic and I cannot wait to findout who was at the door next season! ****
  • Law & Order: SVU. Ya know, I waited to long to get back to this episode, and don't remember anything.
  • Blind Justice. This was a good episode, changing up the formula a bit. Dunbar gets sucked into a drug deal after a murder, the deal goes south and Hank is inadvertantly abducted. The closing sequence is one of the more touching things I've seen on TV in awhile. ***

Wednesday 5/11.

  • That 70's Show. Red's friend's son comes to stay for a few days, and soon Eric and crew have him as corrupted as they are. Plus Jackie leaves after giving Hyde an ultimatum. ***
  • Stacked. I am not sure why I am enjoying this but I am. ***
  • Lost. The end of the season is right around the corner and more questions keep coming up. Should they open the hatch? Will the raft launch be a success? Kate's dark past keeps getting darker and secrets are coming out. ****
  • Alias. Not quite as good as it once was, but still an entertaining show. I am disappointed that Arvin Clone was finished so soon, same for Jack's radiation problem. **.5
  • Law & Order. Not bad. A gun is discovered at a fire which was used in a 9 year old murder, the suspect has found God and is using it as a defense. Not sure I like the pairing of Farina and Imperioli, though. **.5

Thursday 5/12.

  • WWE: Smackdown. A mediocre show anchored by Eddie Guerrero's speech as to why he turned on Rey. **.5
  • Joey. The one hour finale was OK, the cast is growing on me, but it still needs work. We see Joey and his girlfriend make a split, and a new romance starts. ***
  • CSI. Another show I don't remember, but I am looking forward to next week's finale.
  • ER. The most interesting thread this week was Carter's trip to Paris and subsequent reunion with Kem, which shows why Wylie has been the backbone of this show for so long. ***

Friday 5/13.

  • Star Trek: Enterprise. This was a very good episode, pitting the Enterprise crew against Terra Prime which is essentially a terrorist group targeting aliens. It provided a nice buildup towards to creation of the Federation. ***.5
  • Star Trek: Enterprise. The second hour took a big dive. Bringing in Riker and Troi from The Next Generation cast. It just seemed shoehorned in and was unnecessary, it showed a lack of respect for the current incarnation and a sad way to go out. **

Saturday 5/14.

  • The Fallen Ones. I started watching this Sci-Fi Original, but I couldn't take the pain.

That's it for this week!

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