I saw this trailer the other night when I went to see Shortcut to Nirvana. I thought that it looked like a delightful, lighthearted documentary that a family would enjoy. It also reminded me a bit of Winged Migration from a couple of years back, but with a more focused purpose.
I am not sure how "true" the film will turn out to be, but I really enjoyed how they used music in combination with certain angles and such to give them a more human like personality. It isn't terribly accurate when comes to how these birds operate, but it adds another level of connection with the viewer.
This trailer makes the movie look like a lot of fun. It tracks the trek of the Emperor Penguins during mating season. The journey they make to the mating grounds and the adventures that it takes them on. It is narrated by Morgan Freeman, he brings a great tone to it, his voice works well for the material.
I hope to get a chance to see this on the big screen.
You can view the trailer HERE.
Also at Blogcritics.org.
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