July 4, 2005

June Poll Results: Do you still go to the theater?

Do you still go to the theater?

  • Absolutely! 16.7% 1
  • No. 0% 0
  • Only for the Blockbusters. 16.7% 1
  • I wait for the DVD. 16.7% 1
  • When something catches my eye. 50% 3
  • Only for the indie films. 0% 0
  • I used to, not so much now. 0% 0
  • I must see everything on the big screen! 0%0
  • total votes: 6

I thought this was an appropriate question with the current slump that the box office is "suffering" from. I personally think that the much publicized downturn in box office receipts is just a smokescreen, and not nearly as bad as is being implied. The string of record breaking years had to stop at some point right? The films are still making boatloads of money, and will continue to do so.

There is also the possibility that the quick turnaround to DVD may keep people at home. Then there is the constant battle for quality films. Plus the fight for more screens from the independent features and lower budgeted films as they are forced out of the multiplexes by the big budget event films.

Whatever it is that may keep people away from the theaters, I still think there is nothing quite like experiencing a film on the big screen.

Also at Blogcritics.org.


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