The Best Movie of the Summer Was:
- War of the Worlds 0% 0
- Batman Begins 44.4% 8
- Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 22.2% 4
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 0% 0
- Wedding Crashers 16.7% 3
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith 0% 0
- None of them were good 0% 0
- Something else 16.7% 3
- total votes: 18
Average turnout last month. I know this isn't a terribly informative poll, but I work with what I have. Thank you to those who participated.
The winner with almost half the votes is Batman Begins. I saw it twice, and as far as the summer blockbuster type films go, it was definitely at the top of the list. It was great to see the character done right on the screen. I do Like Burton's vision as well, but Nolan and Goyer have crafted a great version that focuses on the character of Batman more than the villains.
Star Wars: Episode III came in second, and here we finally get a prequel that pays off. It actually had some emotional involvement, some great action, and believe it or not, intriguing characters. It's a shame it took this long to get that film.
Wedding Crashers was a big surprise, a funny R rated comedy that a lot of people went to see! How often does that happen? Not very.
For those who chose other, or who didn't vote, what do you think was the best of the summer?
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