October 7, 2005

The Trailer Park: Prime

Opening on October 28th is a new romantic comedy starring Uma Thurman, Uma Thurman, and some guy I've never heard of. It was written and directed by Ben Younger, this is his second feature, the first being Boiler Room.

The trailer paints a picture of a women that has reached a crossroads, who is finding love with a younger man. Meanwhile, she is seeing a therapist, who also happens to be that man's mother. This of course, creates numerous comical situations based on the discomfort of the individuals involved.

We get bits like the sharing of sexual escapades with his mother, while in session, but prior to her realizing the therapist is her lover's mother. The potential embarassment of bumping into your son and her in a public place. Sort of funny. This is going to live and die with how witty and clever the dialogue is and how well our stars work, judging by the trailer, it may be pretty good.

It's not destined to be a blockbuster, but I think it will do well. Besides, it gives Uma Thurman a chance to do a film where she isn't kicking someone's ass.

You can see the trailer here: High, Medium, Low

Here are a few sample images from the film:

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