November 28, 2005

Wrestling Recap: WWE: Raw 11/28/05

Raw starts with Eric Bischoff coming down to the ring, clearly in a bad mood. This is the first show after Survivor Series, where the Raw team lost to Smackdown. He rambles on about putting the roster on notice, and calls all of them to the ring. Just as he is about to go to them, and fire the first person he sees, Vince McMahon's music hits and the boss comes out. Vince tells Eric that none of the wrestlers had to come down, and proceeds to dress down the GM. Eric has to accomplish a goal tonight, or he could be replaced. By who? Shane McMahon could become the new GM. Eric does not appear to be happy.

Commercial break.

Match one is Shawn Michaels taking on Carlito. Carlito starts off by slapping Michaels and spitting some apple in his face. He continues to control through the early part of the match. Lots of quick action leads through the middle. Carlito clotheslines Michaels to the outside, then hits a pescado on Michaels. Back into the ring, Carlito goes for the first pin, 2 count only. Michaels is being dominated. Carlito hits a crossbody off the ropes, Michaels rolls through for the pin, 2 count. Michaels hits a forearm, goes to nip up, but his knee buckles. Shawn is clearly in some pain; he rolls to the outside as the ref checks him. Carlito hits a baseball slide, but is chased off by the ref. It seems that Michaels may actually be hurt.

Commercial break.

Back to the match, it seems that Shawn is good to continue. Hopefully it is a good sell job. The two are trading blows in the middle of the ring. Michaels climbs the turnbuckles, but Carlito catches him. Michaels throws Carlito off and then hits a flying elbow. Shawn begins a painful tuning up of the band, but the knee gave and he could not hit the kick. Carlito goes for the pin, 2 only. Carlito goes for a suplex; Shawn slips off the back and crumples when trying the kick again. Carlito picks Shawn up, but he gets out and is able to hit Sweet Chin Music and gets the pin. After the match, Shawn was slow to get up, and may indeed be hurt.

Back in Bischoff's office an irate Kurt Angle, with Daivari in tow, comes in upset over his loss to Cena at Survivor Series. It seems Smackdown's Boogeyman had something to do with his loss.

Commercial break.

Back to the show, we are treated to a video package of the Raw vs. Smackdown Survivor Series match. This is used to hype the Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio match on the special live Smackdown on Tuesday night. Next was a video package of the Last Man Standing match between Triple H and Ric Flair. It was comprised of stills showing highlights from the weapon filled, bloody match.

Maria goes to Eric's office to ask him about his potential firing. Of course, Eric isn't happy about the question, which Maria said came from Shane McMahon. In response to this, Eric puts her in a match with Kurt Angle, and kicks her out of the office.

Commercial break.

Raw returns with Maria standing nervously in the ring. Daivari's music hits and he comes down to referee the "match". This starts a fight between Daivari and the ref that was already in the ring. Daivari then beats down ref Jack Patton and throws him out of the ring. Kurt Angle finally makes his way to the ring; complete with the "You Suck!" chants being censored. Maria is cowering in a corner. Kurt tries to calm he down, asks for a hug instead of a match. It was a trap; Kurt hits the Angle Slam and is about to go for an Ankle Lock when John Cena comes to the rescue. Quickly after that, Chris Masters comes out and locks in the Masterlock while Kurt beats on him. Eric Bischoff then comes out and announces a no DQ, no count out, triple threat submission match between John Cena, Kurt Angle, and Chris Masters.

Commercial break.

Next is a recap of what had just transpired prior to the commercial break. This accompanied by the wonder of Cena's chances. Has he ever used a submission?

The third match is a Diva tag pitting Trish Stratus, Mickey James, and Ashley against Candice Michelle, Victoria, and Torrie Wilson. Torrie and Mickey start, with Mickey controlling. Ashley gets a quick tag. Torrie who tags in Candice quickly takes her down. Candice gets a quick tag to Victoria, who controls Ashley. She hits a suplex and gets a 2 count. Ashley gets away from Victoria and gets a tag to Mickey who takes control of Victoria, hitting punches and a flying forearm, followed by some kicks. She goes to pin, but Candice comes for the save and gets kicked out of the ring. Victoria momentarily gets control, but Mickey gets it back and hits the Stratusfaction for the pin while Trish keeps Candice away. The trio celebrates the win.

Commercial break.

Eric finishes up an angry phone call, and then has Shane come in checking on a status. Shane seems very confident. Eric then calls Shane a member of the Lucky Sperm Club. Shane gets just a little upset, puts Bischoff against the wall.

In the locker room, Daivari helps Angle get prepared for the submission match. Masters then enters, not terribly happy of Daivari potentially screwing him out of the title, so he went to Vince and got a new referee for the match.

Commercial break.

Now we have Shelton Benjamin taking on Trevor Murdoch. Shelton wastes no time, laying in a number of punches, then hits a clothesline from the top rope to the outside. Back in the ring, Murdoch gains control, laying in the kicks. Murdoch gets the first pin attempt, 2 only. He then hits a body slam, but misses an elbow. Benjamin is back in control, hitting a back body drop. Shelton then hits a Dragon Whip, followed by a 2-count pin. Shelton up to the ropes and misses, followed by Murdoch hitting something like a Downward Spiral, but can't get the pin. Benjamin misses off the ropes again, Murdoch is in control. Murdoch gets Benjamin down, grabs the tights and gets the 3.

We then watch as Triple H walks the halls of the back.

Commercial break.

Triple H enters the arena and makes his way to the ring. He gets a mic and continues to talk about how he destroyed Ric Flair at Survivor Series. He tells Flair to stay home; nobody wants him back in the ring. He says he was the only one with the guts to do what needed to be done. During his speech, Big Show interrupts him. Show gets a mic and proceeds to call Hunter a piece of Sh!t. He says he doesn't need a sledgehammer to do his dirty work. He tells him that his time has come.

Commercial break.

Back right into a match. The tag champs; Big Show and Kane are taking on Tyson Tomko and Snitsky. Kane and Snitsky are in ring. Kane tags in Show who proceeds to clean house. He goes to pin Tomko, 2 only. Kane comes off the ropes and takes Snitsky out of the ring just prior to Big Show squashing Tomko with a choke slam. Quick match. Show and Kane celebrate in the ring.

Commercial break.

It is time for the triple threat submission match. Kurt Angle is already in the ring, when Chris Masters begins his entrance. Cena then made his presence known, to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He goes right after Masters, but is quickly overpowered by Masters and Angle who are working as a team. Angle turns on Masters, leaving him alone with Cena. The two trade blows, but before long Angle quickly locks in the Ankle Lock. Masters comes from behind and locks the Masterlock in on Angle. Cena comes in to break up the submission; Masters then gives him a vertical standing suplex. Cena is then caught in the Masterlock. Cena is sinking fast, but then Angle returns to the ring, saving Cena. Angle starts pounding on Masters, Angle escapes the Masterlock and locks in the Ankle Lock. Cena comes off the ropes taking down Angle, and then hits a series of clothesline, then his version of a powerbomb. Masters then hits Cena with a clothesline, and then lays in some boots. Angle takes the straps down and gets a chair, which Cena kicks into Kurt’s face. Cena gets the chair and lays out Masters. Cena then puts Masters in a STF, Masters taps. John Cena retains, but he doesn't look happy.

The McMahon’s are in the back talking about taking out the trash.

Back to the ring, Cena is celebrating up the ramp as Angle shouts at him from the ring. We then get a replay of the finish. I liked how Cena locked in that STF.

Cena leaves the arena and the show ends.