Aeon Flux. Based on the animated show which began life as an animated series, first on MTV's Liquid Television, and then it's own series. It is a future world where Aeon Flux, who is an assassin, she was betrayed and left for dead, this is about her revenge. It stars Charlize Theron in the titular role, something that is decidedly un-Oscar-like, unlike her other recent work. Her co-stars include Jonny Lee Miller (Mind Hunters), Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda), Frances McDormand (Fargo), and Pete Postlethwaite (The Constant Gardener). It was directed by Karyn Kusama, who last directed 2000's female boxer movie Girlfight. Check out the trailer before heading to the theater.
Also opening this week, but not near me:
- Be Here to Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandt
- The Boys of Baraka
- First Decent
- The Kid & I
- Transamerica
That's all until Narnia!
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