January 24, 2006

DVD Pick of the Week for 1/24: Virgin Spring

This is a rather slim week, and I am going to go out on a ledge and pick a film that I have not yet seen from a director with whom I have very little exposure. Although, despite not seeing the film, I am familiar with the story, as it was also the basis for Wes Craven's debut offering, Last House on the Left. This week's pick is Ingmar Bergman's Virgin Spring.

The story concerns a young girl who is raped and murdered by Swineherds in 14th century Sweden. By a twist of fate, those men seek food and shelter from the girl's parents. The parents eventually learn the truth about there guests and exact their revenge on those responsible for the daughter's death.

The movie is getting the Criterion treatment. This virtually guarantees that it will be treated well in it's transfer. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on this Oscar winner.

Also coming out this week:
  • The Aristocrats. Quite possibly the highest concentration of vulgarity of any film I've seen.
  • Cowboy Bebop Remix Vol. 4. The remixes march on. If you are not sure if you'd like anime, this is the perfect series to start with.
  • Flightplan. Jodie Foster stars in this thriller which is rather effective until the end. Also features another fine performance from Peter Saarsgarde.
  • The Fog. Not as bad as had been expected, but still not great. It tries hard at creating atmosphere and almost succeeds. At least it doesn't rely on jump scares.
  • Oliver Twist. Roman Polanski's new take on the tale had been talked about for Oscars prior to release, but it faded quickly.
  • Thumbsucker. Don't really know much about this film, but have heard nothing but good things.


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