June 2, 2006

New Movies and Box Office Predictions: The Break Up

June has arrived, and with it comes a single film joining the fray at the box office. This film is also the first one not to feature high octane stunts and an overly inflated budget. Of course, the season is still young, but here we are, a little romantic comedy testing the waters amongst some of the more anticipated films of the year so far. How will it fare? Hard to say, but I do not think it will be enough to unseat the Marvel mutant force, but could show legs and hang around for awhile. We also get a couple of documentaries opening in my area.

The Break Up. (2006, 106 minutes, PG-13, comedy, trailer) The only film to be going into wide release this week is a romantic comedy starring all-star couple Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Now idea if this will be good or not, but the starring duo are engaging enough, and throw in Jon Favreau and Joey Lauren Adams and you got yourself a pretty decent cast. The film follows the couple through, what else, their break up. Problems ensue when neither one wants to give up their condo. Watch as they go to great lengths to get the other to give in. The movie was directed by Peyton Reed, who also directed the excellent romantic throwback, Down with Love.

The Sketches of Frank Gehry. (2006, 84 minutes, NR, documentary, trailer) Sydney Pollack's first documentary, and it looks at the artistic architectural creations of Frank Gehry. I don't know anything about Gehry, outside of what I saw in the trailer. What I saw in the trailer is someone who experiments with the functional forms of architecture and creates some absolutely amazing buildings. What I liked about the trailer is that the film is not a one sided look at Gehry's genius, it brings in both supporters and detractors, painting a bigger picture of the archbitect. This could be good. This is playing at Upstate Films, a local arthouse.

An Inconvenient Truth. (2006, 100 minutes, PG, Documentary, trailer) Watch Al Gore as he looks to retain relevance in the ever changing world by looking to the science of global warming. This well reviewed film from director Davis Guggenheim features Gore as he talks about the effects of carbon dioxide and the increasing temperatures of the world. He also discusses the steps that can be taken to avert the disaster of the future. He also talks about his greatest invention, the internet (I kid, I kid). This is playing at Upstate Films, a local arthouse.

Also opening this week,but not near me:
  • Coastlines
  • District B13
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • Typhoon

Box Office Predictions.

Last week was pretty easy to guess, this week only adds a single film to the fray. The problem is, how well will it slot in with the rest? It has the possibility of going either way. Well, let's take a stab:

  1. X-Men: The Last Stand
  2. The Break Up
  3. The DaVinci Code
  4. Over the Hedge
  5. Mission: Impossible III
  6. Poseidon
  7. RV
  8. Just My Luck
  9. See No Evil
  10. United 93

I think last week's predictions were better than these, but I'm very much the rookie at guessing how a film will fare at the box office, Imagine the comedy that would be had if I tried to guess the grosses!

What are you seeing this weekend?

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