Miami Vice is a highly stylized film. The look and feel of it ranks first, followed by the plot, while dialogue and characters are way down the list. This split makes this an entertaining, yet highly frustrating, time at the theater. It is a demanding film that requires you to pay careful attention to the plot, or otherwise you will be lost and even more frustrated.
The problems with the movie all lie with the dialog and characters. I don't blame the actors, as they all did good jobs with what they had to work with. The script fails all of us when it comes to motivations and character development. Aside from laying the framework for the plot, there isn't much point for the dialog. This leaves many characters going through through the motions, and the ones you want to know more about, sadly shallow. I had trouble really understanding why they felt so strongly early on about the mission. Why, why, why? I wanted to know more about these guys and why they were so passionate. Perhaps with stronger writing I could have become more involved with the plot, rather than just working on keeping it straight.
Our leads are no longer Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas, no, the new Crockett and Tubbs are Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx. Both of whom are more than capable actors, particularly Foxx, who absolutely floored me in Mann's last film, Collateral. They both look, and for the most part, act the part, but they are saddled with poor lines such as: "No one has tread before where we are now. We're seeing their operations from the inside." and "Takin' it to the limit, one more time." Ugh, just awful. Farrell also has the problem of lowering his voice to the point of sounding fake, and his accent is a little uneven. Still, I like the looks they brought to the roles, and wouldn't mind seeing more of them in these roles, if the writing is better. On the other side is the best written character, Gong Li's Isabella. Li was last seen in 2005's Memoir's of a Geisha as a threat to Zhang Ziyi's rising star. She may not have the best command of the English language, but she holds her own, delivering more depth and emotion than the rest of the cast combined. Her character is one of the leaders of the Colombian cartel, and she gets involved with Farrell's Crockett.
The other big plus are the action sequences, they are meticulously staged and get the adrenaline flowing. Beyond that, Mann is not scared of showing a little blood. The shootouts are violent, head shot, limb severing affairs, and convey a deadly seriousness to the proceedings. The climactic showdown, in particular, is one of the better shootouts to grace the big screen in sometime.
Bottomline. Despite my problems with the characters and dialogue, this is still a film that I would recommend seeing. Michael Mann has delivered a stylized, adult oriented action film that is worth seeing on the big screen. The movie is beautifully shot, adrenaline filled, and features a fine performance from Gong Li. May not be as much as it could have been, but be thankful for the lack of pink shirts, white sport coats, and loafers with no socks.