August 5, 2006

CD Review: OPM - California Poppy

OPM is another one of those bands that I had heard of, but never heard prior to the arrival of this disk on my doorstep. They are a band that I never thought to seek out, even though I had heard of them, they were never more than a blip on my musical radar. Still, I am always up to give a band a shot, I've found some excellent bands that way.

Unfortunately, OPM is not a band I think I will find myself visiting all that often. At first, I found myself grooving to the Sublime-lite sounds that emanated from my speakers. The first few times through the list, I was convinced that this was going to be an enjoyable groove thing. All the necessary elements are in place, smooth ska sounds, bass and drum groove, easy flowing vocals, everything was in place for a good time. Then the reality sunk in, I listened to California Poppy.

As I listened to the disk, I found myself becoming bored. That's it, this CD bores me. The sounds come across as uninspired, just going through the motions, if you will. Their sound culls influences from acts such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the previously mentioned Sublime. They blend reggae and ska, with a healthy does of pop. Perhaps too much of the pop, everything plays towards the middle, there is no adventure to the sound. The beat stays stagnant through the disk, with most of the cuts falling within the same pattern. Then on top of that, the lyrics are downright silly at times, particularly for the final track, "Born Again Virgin."

To be fair, it isn't awful, nor are they bad musicians, I just find the music here to be to the dull side. For background music at a party, or doing work around the house, or even just rolling in your ride, this could fit the bill nicely. Just don't expect anything classic out of this. Put it on, zone out, smoke up, whatever, and just feel the beat.

Bottomline. Laid back grooves, smooth vocals all in an agreeable combination. OPM delivers a workman-like collection of reggae/ska/pop tunes that, while inoffensive, fail to excite. Perhaps I should check out their prior release, Menace to Sobriety, I have heard good things about it.

Not Recommended.
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