When Jericho first started, I was drawn into the apocalyptic nature of the series. I was drawn to how it strayed from the front line action that is generally associated with this type of subject matter. It is my belief that the first inclination is to put us right at ground zero, not necessarily at the point of explosion, but with the people who know what is going on and who have the power to react. Instead, the creators have put us in a small town in the middle of nowhere, close enough to see the blast, and experience some of the fallout, but far enough out of the mainstream that they are cut off and clueless as to what happened. I looked forward to seeing how the people would react, how the town and its fractured psyche would pull through in remaining a functioning town, and their quest for information, and dealing with all of the uncertainties that go with it.
"The Day Before" is exactly what it says it is. This return episode rewinds the clock, in the show's timeline, it has been 8 weeks since the explosions changed their world forever, now we are taken back. This episode chronicles the 36 hours leading up to the bombs. Rather than deal with the burgeoning love, building fires, and elections, we get a look at some of the key players and where they came from, successfully peeling away some of their mystery, enough to feel like a revelation, little enough to keep you wanting more.
We learn why Jake came back to Jericho, and why he was lying about what he has been up to, and it may be more closely related to the bombs than you think. Hawkins has the biggest revelation, why he just sort of showed up, where he came from and why he would have that radiation suit. His revelation answers questions, but it also asks a whole lot more. We also get a few tidbits about the lives of the supporting cast members, but the best parts of the episode revolve around Jake and Hawkins.
Now, this is not a perfect series, and it would probably benefit from a time change, perhaps just to 9pm, and be allowed to get a little grittier. That is what the show needs, as right now it has a little bit of a glossy sheen, a polish that seems to sanitize it just enough to take away that edge. Again, not necessarily bad, but definitely a touch off putting.
Anyway, Jericho is back and it is back to stay. Despite my reservations, they successfully deleivered an episode that got my interest back up, way up, in where the story is going. Be sure to tune in and give it shot, you may be surprised. CBS 8:00 Eastern time 2/21.
You can catch up, watching full episodes at the Jericho CBS site.