If you had any doubts as to where the music may be coming from, look no further than the opening song, the title track, "Born in Hell." It is a raucous opening, providing an introduction to the gritty, in your face, style that has been employed by a band that is all about the fun side of rock and roll, as further evidenced later by the aptly titled "Beers Drugs and Bitches."
Viking Skull is one of those bands that, based on the music they churn out, defies criticism. Seriously, the music isn't bad, they are not sloppy musicians, they form a tight unit, the music is fun, and you can bang your head to it. You could go into how the songs seem to run together, or how the solos are kind of lame, or how they seem to only have one temp, but that all seems to be beside the point. These guys are not here to blow you away with technique or depth of emotion, they appear to solely exist to flat out rock, and they are quite successful at accomplishing that goal.
Bottomline. It's a Saturday night, you and the guys need something to rock to as you head to the local bar, reach for Viking Skull and play at a loud volume. You won't be disappointed, so long as you turn it off before the hangover kicks in.
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