It sounds like an out there kind of plot, but it is fascinating, and I look forward to checking out how it is executed. It was written and directed by Fabian Bielinsky, who died of a heart attack in 2006, not long after the opening of this film.
Also out this week:
- Scooby Doo, Where Are You? The Complete Third Season. Who doesn't love Scooby? This two disk set contains 16 episodes of the sleuth team.
- The Batman: The Complete Third Season. The animation style was a bit off putting at first, but it isn't all that bad of a series.
- Bobby. Emilio Estevez' film about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Missed this in theaers, but have read good word concerning it.
- Payback: Straight Up, The Director's Cut. Haven't seen this in a long time, but I remember liking it. It is a remake of the film Point Blank.
- Phantasm. Don Coscarelli's classic horror film with The Tall Man and his evil driller balls. I love the cover for this, it is the original movie poster. Nice touch.
- Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead. This third sequel came some 16 years after the original, and is a decent film in its own right. It too uses nice cover art.
- Ric Flair & The Four Horsemen. Possibly the greatest stable the wrestling world has ever seen, relive some of the best moments.
- Major League: Wild Thing Edition. Continuing the trend of horribly named special editions, and just in time for the baseball season comes this Charlie Sheen starring movie.
- The Pride of the Yankees: Anniversary Edition. The classic baseball film starring Gary Cooper as Lou Gehrig.
- How William Shatner Changed the World. A Discovery Channel special focusing on technology introduced in Star Trek that has entered the real world.
- Slaughter Night. Convicted killers were once used to check for poison gas in mine shafts, now the dead are arriving for a little payback.
- Cinderella. Need a little plastic surgery? This film out of Korea may change your mind.
- Dead and Deader. Dean Cains starred in this Sci-Fi Channel original that may be towards the lower end of the scale, still delivered a bit of entertainment.
- Gamebox 1.0. Reminds me of Brainscan, a mysterious game arrives and soon it is realized that the game is real.
What are you checking out this week?
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