Preferring whiz-bang style as opposed to any actual development of characters, the scenes speed by with little impact. The random songs and action sequences at times feeling like padding blended with shorthand story telling. Then there is a whole message about looking to the future rather than looking at the past that is hammered home whenever an opportunity presents itself. At times, like the hallucinogenic whirlwind tour of the Robinson household, the story seems completely random; simply put, it doesn't ever gel.
The animation was detailed and brightly colored, but there were portions that just did not look right, mainly during the flying scenes and some of the transitions. The movie is being shown in Disney 3D and you can see the sequences that were designed for that purpose. When viewed in conventional 2D, those scenes stick out and look rather awkward.
That brings me to something that truly brings a smile to my face, and that is the cartoon that precedes the film. John Lasseter and Pixar have done this with their films, but this time around, instead of a new cartoon, it is a classic Mickey Mouse cartoon called Boat Builders. It teams Mickey with Donald and Goofy on a quest to build a boat that comes in pieces in a box. It is a fun throwback to the old days at the movies, and is the best story told at this screening.
Now, I know that Mr. Lasseter is credited as an executive producer, but it does not seem that he had much of an impact on this release. The film was in its final stages when the Disney/Pixar merger took place (I won't call it a buy out of Pixar, as Pixar's brass came out on top in the stock count). It is also my understanding that members of Pixar's creative team were brought on, late in the game, to do some touch ups, but it is clear that there was little to work with, taking the film itself as evidence. If I had to guess, I believe that Bowler Hat Guy's portioin of the tale was tweaked the most by Pixar's involvement.
Bottomline. The kids will probably be entertained, but they also won't remember it for long afterwards. As for the adults, prepare for a nothing experience. The story seems to be filled with potential, but it is not told well, and you will probably guess the twist early on. I'd recommend skipping this and waiting for the next Pixar flick.
Not Recommended.
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