May 8, 2007

Casting Stones: Spider-Man 4 and Beyond!

Prior to the release of the latest webslinging adventure, there was a lot of talk that it would be the last of the Spider-Man movies. Sam Raimi was, and is, in talks to helm a trilogy of films based on The Hobbit for New Line Cinema, taking up the reigns from Peter Jackson. On that note, Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst have said that they would not be returning, especially if Raimi isn't in the director's chair. Now that the film has come out and is breaking records left and right, Maguire's stance has softened and he has said that he would consider returning. Well, I kind of like the idea of recasting the major roles for the next film, and yes, I believe as long as they are profitable Spider-Man will be on the big screen, especially after reading intentions for an entire new trilogy, as reported by the BBC.

I got to thinking, much like I did after JJ Abrams spoke of casting Matt Damon in a new Star Trek film in the inaugural Casting Stones column, about who I would potentially like to see take up the starring roles. So, I gave it a little thought, and here is who I came up with.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man.
The one name I have heard tossed around most often has been Jake Gyllennhall. At one point he was considered for taking over the role in Spider-Man 2. However, I cannot say that the prospect excites me. The actor I would like to see in the role is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's young, has the right look, and is a fantastic actor. Whether or not he can do action is a big question, but there is no denying his ability. Just take a look at this trio of recent films: Mysterious Skin, Brick, and The Lookout, are they all perfect? No, but they each display the talent that this young actor possesses. I believe he would be able to bring a strong humanity to the role, and not betray the roots of the character.

Mary Jane Watson.
Now Kirsten Dunst was not many people's first, second, or third choices to play Peter's love interest, but I think that she did a good job, though in this next series she would definitely have to go. One of the names I thought of was Isla Fisher, a gorgeous redhead that I would just like to see in more movies, her biggest role to date has been in Wedding Crashers. However, she is not my top choice for the role, that honor belongs to Kristen Bell, the star of the underrated Veronica Mars. She is a good young actress that is the owner of great potential. For my money she has the right look (although she would have to color her hair), and a spunky attitude that I could picture MJ having.

I would allow two returning cast members from the current trilogy. First would be JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, who else could play this cigar chomping editor in chief of the Daily Bugle? I cannot picture anyone else filling that role. The other is Rosemary Harris as Aunt May, she has a kind presence that embodies what I picture Aunt May to be like.

Being this would conceivably take place after the three existing films, there would really be no need to recast Uncle Ben, Harry Osborne, or Norman Osborne as this will focus on new villains. Now speaking of villains, we would need to get some new ones for the new films.

How about Bruce Campbell? I think he would make a great choice for the stuntman/special effects guy turned full time criminal. He has a cocky attitude and a flair for over the top dramatics that I think would serve the character well, although I would not be adverse to a change in the attire. I cannot picture a live action villain who wears a fishbowl on his head.

Kraven the Hunter.
Easy, Gerard Butler. He had the look in 300, he has the physicality and hardcore presence that Kraven would need to be portrayed on the big screen. In addition to being a cool villain, he could be in New York on the hunt for a different kind of prey when he crosses paths with our hero, allowing for the easy inclusion og a second villain.

Curt Connors aka The Lizard.
Dr. Connors was portrayed by Dylan Baker in the first three films, and would probably still be a good choice for the role. It is likely that the Lizard form would be some sort of CG creation. Including the Lizard would be a good way to bring Kraven to the city, with Spider-Man being the nuisance trying to control the Lizard and foil Kraven's hunt.

Felicia Hardy aka The Black Cat.
She does not necessarily have to appear as a thief, at least initially, but could prove an alternate romantic interest for our hero. Perhaps this could be the role for Isla Fisher, with altered hair color of course.

Well, that about wraps it up. Obviously I would not want to see all of these villains in the same film, but it does bring some ideas to the table. There is one actor I would like to see in this universe, but I am not sure what role would suit him, Nathan Fillion. What do you think?


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