June 23, 2007

CD Review: Persuader - The Hunter

Epic power metal emanating from Sweden isn't anything new, but this band is developing a good sound that impresses on the level of the potential it contains as well as what they are accomplishing right now. This release is actually a re-release of their debut album from 2000, and it serves as a good taste test as America is prepared for the release of their latest album, When Eden Burns. Persuader is a strong band that incorporates elements of bands like Blind Guardian and Nocturnal Rites and blends them with the old school thrash elements of bands like Megadeth and a touch of the progressive creating a thrashy metal sound that will have you banging your head, raising your horns, and taking notice of their technical prowess.

This album has been hard to find for some time now pretty much everywhere, even in Europe where this band has tearing it up for some years now. It seems that it was released by a label called Loud N' Proud Records, but they suffered from some poor management and folded. Very few copies of the album actually got out to the metal seeking public. Their second album was released on another label, but they didn't stick there either. Theynow call Dockyard 1 home, and they have re-released this debut outing as a preliminary strike prior to their third album release. Both have been available overseas for sometime now, but since a new distribution deal has been put in place with Locomotive Records, both will be seeing release stateside. It is a good thing too, as this is a pretty strong debut. Persuader is definitely a band that metal fans will want to acquaint themselves with.

The album starts with the sounds of radio channel surfing before settling into the full on metal gallop of "Fire At Will." It is a fiery start, and a good introduction to the band. It may not be the most technically adept or solid track on the disk, but there is no denying the power and energy it conveys, and that is sometimes more than enough to allow you to overlook any shortcomings that may present themselves. There is a rawness to the track and it could give a glimpse to what their live show could be like. The first thing to grab me about them was the intensity of drummer Efraim Juntunen, he is all over the kit and his bashing is precise and intriguing at all turns.

From that fiery opening, the momentum carries on to the second track, "As You Wish." It is a bit more polished, but still just as explosive. Persuader is able to continue the build through the epic 7 minute title track, which has to be considered the centerpiece of the album. This is an album which expands the scope of their songs, providing a large soundscape to play on. There are lightning fast drums and rhythms, big solos, and the powerful voice of Jens Carlsson leading the charge. That is immediately followed by a 2 minute instrumental called "Secrets," an interesting piece which keeps the energy they have already displayed, but adds acoustic guitar as a backdrop to the electric rhythm, a sound I have heard before, but sounds particularly fresh on this brief track.

Bottomline. All told, this is a good debut, and one of the better metal debuts of recent years. It has a modern sound that pays tribute to its roots. It has that old school feel without feeling retro. It has definite energy and ability and a lot of promise. As an added bonus, this re-release has a couple of extra tracks, demo versions of "Cursed" and "Escape."



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