July 4, 2007

CD Review: GWAR - Beyond Hell

GWAR is a band that I have not paid much attention to for awhile. I remember hearing cuts from Scumdogs of the Universe on college radio stations many years ago, and being quite intrigued. My first real experience was with America Must be Destroyed, which is a really good album, especially the song "The Road Behind." Since then, my GWAR exposure has been limited to This Toilet Earth and Carnival of Chaos. The latter having been released way back in 1997, it has been a long time since I have been infected by any new material from the scumdogs. Now, I don't know what exactly I have missed, but Beyond Hell is a solid metal album, one that I am proud to include in my collection.

Beyond Hell is a concept album that tells the story of how GWAR goes on a journey to Hell and beats up Satan. Now, I will be honest, I did not pay much attention to the story, I was too busy getting caught up in the crunchy riffs that were consistently being churned out. This is definitely a strong release that is up there with my America Must be Destroyed, and definitely stronger than those other two albums I have.

The mad Canadian metal mastermind, Devin Townsend, produced this album, and his influence is definitely felt in the crisp, crunchy production values. His fingerprints are all over the sound, plus he even appears on the disk, singing backup on "Tormentor." Anyone who is unfamiliar with his work should check out anything from his band, Strapping Young Lad, or solo work such as Synchestra or Ziltoid the Omniscient.

As for GWAR, they were never a band that you would turn to for metal mastery, or deep insightful lyrics (although they are not without their messages), they were the guys you would turn to for a laugh, some blood soaked humor, some heavy music and some lyrics that are way out there. More than that, you would turn to their live show, which is as big and theatrical as they come. They where monstrous costumes and regularly maim, disembowel, and decaptitate popular figures onstage, all in a flood of blood and other fluids that they are more than willing to share with anyone in attendance. It is an experience that no one should have to go through life without.

GWAR sounds stronger and tighter than ever on Beyond Hell. When last I listened to them, the music was lyrically fun and offensive, but musically felt a little sloppy and unfocused. I do not know if it is Townsend's influence, or something that has been building over the albums I have not heard (I do hear that War Party is a strong release), but they sound energized and focused here. Just one listen to songs such as "War is All We Know," "I Love the Pigs," "Tormentor," "The Ultimate Bohab," and "Back in Crack" and you will be a believer. The lyrics are as wild as ever, though the concept of the album does not allow them the great variety that was experienced on albums past, but the music is great.

When you listen, you may even discover that these guys have the chops to compete with more "serious" bands. In particular, Brad Roberts (aka Jizmak Da Gusha) on drums is solid, and his work here is impressive with nice double basswork and great timing. Also not to be forgotten is Todd Evans (aka Beefcake the Mighty) on bass, he has some nice lines throughout. Cory Snoot (Flattus and Maximus) and Mike Derks (Balsac the Jaws of Death) deliver some crushing riffs, nothing terribly original, but they are definitely heavy, and there is the occasional solo tossed in. Finally there is Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus), thw outlandish vocalist who does not have the greatest voice, but it is definitely unique, no one delivers a line like he does.

Bottomline. GWAR is a band that may surprise you, especially with what you find on this album. It is a nice piece of thrashy metal injected with some fun in a genre that may take itself too seriously much of the time. Solid metal with a goofy twist. If you want something a little different, give Beyond Hell a try. Though, I would recommend skipping the mediocre Alice Cooper cover of "School's Out."



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