September 10, 2007

Movie Media: Dragon Wars - Stills

In production seemingly for years, Dragon Wars is poised to arrive on the big screen. It is a Korean production with American actors and is set in Los Angeles. Yeah, I thought that was a little strange too. Anyway, I have posted the domestic and Korean trailer as well as the poster a few weeks back. This time I have some stills for you to check out in preparation for the September 14 release date. I have to say that I am not particularly impressed, but I think this is going to be fun. Notice I did not say good. All I want from this is some fun.

D-War_0701_72dpi D-War_2584_72dpi dwar-altar1.0010_72dpi DSCN0016_72dpi dwar-captain3.0001_72dpi D-War_0018_72dpi

D-Wars-ethan2.0001_72dpi D_war_still.00035_72dpi D-Wars-eden_serra2.0003_300dpi D-Wars-still_00037_300dpi D-Wars-Snapshot26_300dpi D-Wars-Snapshot47_300dpi

D-Wars-Snapshot39_300dpi D-Wars-Snapshot46_300dpi D-Wars-Snapshot49_300dpi D-Wars-still_00036_300dpi D_war_still.00030_300dpi


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