December 21, 2007

Movie Media: Speed Racer - Poster, Trailer

I never was a big fan of the Speed Racer cartoon. Sure, I watched it from time to time, but I never developed any real love for it. All that aside, the character is making the jump to the big screen, courtesy of the Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix trilogy). It looks really kind of weird and trippy. I'm looking foreward to seeing how the tale plays out. The cast includes Emile Hirsch in the title role, Christina Ricci, John Goodman, Matthew Fox, and Susan Sarandon.


Anonymous said...

STUPID MOVIE. The storyline is weak, the CGI looks cheesy. It's all green screened CGI so what's the use ?! Might as well watch paint get splashed on a wall.

I won't watch this mostly cause it ultimately promotes a stupid Sport that will prolong the War in Iraq. Oh yes, the War is still on. And, getting our children influenced into buying Gas Guzzling sports cars is the type of mentality that'll keep us dependent on foreign Oil. And, weaken our resolve to develop newer and cleaner energy efficient vehicles.

No, my children will not watch this movie or buy it's video games.

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