In a similar way to last year's bomb I Know Who Killed Me, Untraceable brings together the traditional thriller with the current trend of torture based horror films (ala Saw and Hostel). Fortunately, it is not so convoluted and just plain bad as the former. It will also bring up memories of Silence of the Lambs and Seven. I was even reminded of a low budget film called Series Seven. With all of these thoughts conjured up by the film, it kind makes the idea of an original film moot. Sure, some of the contraptions employed by the killer are new to the screen, but original kills do not an original movie make.
It is a task that proves to be more difficult than expected as the site is being bounced through any number of servers, when one gets shut down another pops up to take its place. It is learned that whoever behind it is local to the team (fortunate for those doing the tracking). What follows is an escalating cat and mouse game between the killer and the FBI team. That is until it becomes a personal struggle between the killer and Marsh when she becomes a target of his twisted game.
The bulk of the story's weight is carried by Diane Lane's strong performance. It plays out realistically. While there is always some forward motion going on the investigation, the script does not forget that these people will not always be working, they have families to spend time with. This leads to scenes of Jennifer spending time with her daughter and her mother, driving to school, having a birthday party, normal sort of activities. It was nice seeing these, as we usually do not get to see the home side of our hero.
Untraceable does not really dwell on the whodunit portion of the tale. Yes, it starts of that way, but it quickly transitions to a whydunit. Neither portion is satisfying on their own, although everything is explained in a satisfactory manner and work well enough in conjunction with each other. However, it is when it switches to the second half when the real motives are exposed, and the comparison to Series Seven can be made.
Untraceable is a reflection of our reality TV obsessesed culture. How far is too far for entertainment? Will we reach a point where people will kill people in the name of ratings? It does not seem so far fetched does it? Combine that with the way people comment on message boards and such, completely unfiltered, whether in jest or for real, there are some strange people out there. Compare that with the comments shown within the film, looks like comments that would actually be made.
The implications of the movie and how they are a twisted reflection of reality give what would have been just a mediocre thriller a little bit of heft. This is what I believe was the true goal of the screenplay by Robert Fyvolent, Mark Brinker, and Allison Burnett. Confront the audience as an accomplice in the proceedings and see how they react. It is pretty sickening to think about. The possibility that society could sink to this.
Overall, it is a decent film. It is not quite as strong as it could be. Take all of the presented elements together and it is stronger than any of its individual parts. The glue that holds all of it together is the previously mentioned Diane Lane. She brings a genuine sense of humanity and emotion to the project, she does much of the heavy lifting and is very easy to identify with.
Bottomline. Not a great movie, but definitely worth spending some time with. Although I do wish that the end was a bit stronger. It closes on a crowd pleasing, get up and cheer moment, but it leaves a couple of threads dangling that I would have liked seen resolved. Still, you could do a lot worse, and it is a thrilling ride.
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