With Lawrence as the central character, we need to have that triggering event that brings them together and sets Lawrence on his quest towards being a more lovable, nice character. That event comes in the form of our despicable curmudgeon hopping a fence to retrieve his briefcase from his impounded car, falling on his head, and suffering a seizure. This means that he will not be able to drive, legally, for six months. It's a good thing that Chuck is around to become is chauffeur! Anyway, since he cannot drive, he is forced to spend more time with those whom he would rather not or takes for granted.
While Lawrence's story is the central thread, it is not the only story, despite all efforts to convince you otherwise. There is the more interesting, yet underdeveloped story of Chuck and Vanessa. The two have some distinct chemistry, which Vanessa misconstrues as something that it is not. She is locked in on studying and getting ahead at the expense of having fun like normal teenagers. Sadly, their story is never developed as fully as I would have liked. Secondly is the story of James' literary aspirations, which his father never took the time to notice. This one is even less developed than Vanessa and Chuck's.
Sitting there, watching so many scenes just whither on the vine, it felt like the ninety-five minute movie was more like two hours. Many scenes just tail off as the acoustic guitar-driven score continuously reminds you this is an indie film.
The fault lies at the feet of the writing and directing team of Mark Poirier and Noam Murro. The screenplay wants so desperately to sound smart, however it comes off as self-importance masquerading as intelligence, which is hardly the same thing. This combined with direction that lacks any sort of style and cuts away too soon, you get a film that wants to appear insightful but just falls flat.
Where the writing and directing fails to deliver, the acting is pretty solid all around, with one notable exception. Dennis Quaid does a fine job playing this character as a pompous ass. The only problem with his performance is when it comes time for the shift for the jerk to the more open and carring version, I was not convinced. The duo of Ellen Page and Thomas Haden Church provide the films best moments despite having a plot thread that never reaches a satisfying conclusion. Now let us not forget Sarah Jessica Parker, who comes across as bland and unappealing here. There is something about her apporach that just does not help, which I blame partially on the script. I just wonder what it would have been like had Rachel Weisz not pulled out.
Bottomline. As much potential as the film had, I was left unfulfilled. The story never takes off and I was never allowed to forget that this was an indie character film. Perhaps another rewrite would have helped. I cannot recommend this as much as I liked some of the performances.
Not Recommended.
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