As the movie opens, we are introduced to young Lee Carter (Will Poulter), he is sitting in a movie theater, cigarette in one hand and a camcorder in the other (the big, old-school VHS kind, remember those?). He is bootlegging a little movie called First Blood. Following this introduction, we meet the other principle, Will Proudfoot (Bill Milner). He is of a considerably different upbringing than Lee. While Lee is a brash troublemaker, Will has a strict religious upbringing, and seems content to be a shy wallflower who escapes into his imagination.
Their friendship goes to the next level when Will watches the bootlegged copy of First Blood. This inadvertent event opens up an entirely new world for him. For the first time in his life he has seen the real possibilities of imagination. To this point, his fantasies were confined to his book, where he draws ceaselessly. This leads to the revelation that Lee is making a movie for a young film makers' competition called Screen Test. What follows is Lee and Will teaming up to make a movie.
Watching them make the movie within the movie is a blast. I am reminded, a little, of Be Kind, Rewind, what with the do-it-yourself attitude and the sheer joy they have when making their respective films. Lee and Will are having an absolute blast while making Son of Rambow, of course it is not all fun and games, there has to be some sort of conflict to overcome.
Their conflict comes from their upbringings. Both of them have to overcome not having a father figure. Lee has to overcome not having anyone around to set boundaries, while Will has to deal with a religion that sets too many boundaries. It is interesting to see this difference in upbringing and what parental support they lack manifest itself in their desire to make the film. It is not really a downer, but it is an approach that works to make these characters appear as real people being affected by real situations within their world and the mechanisms they have developed to be able to handle it.
Bottomline. I like this movie. I like the performances, I like the story, I like what Garth Jennings was looking to make. Is it perfect? No, but it doesn't matter. This movie is very enjoyable, it has a good heart and a story that is sure to spark nostalgia, chuckles, and may even generate a little mist.
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