What does this have to do with My Best Friend's Girl? Simple, this might just as well be Good Luck Chuck Part II.
In this film Dane Cook is Tank, customer service representative by day and bad date giver by night. You see, Tank is hired by jilted men who wish to get their beloved back in their lives. Once hired, Tank takes the girl on the worst date of their lives, which sends them running back into the arms of their prior boyfriend. As you can see, this is a just a twist on Chuck. In both cases Cook plays a guy who is pivotal in getting loving couples together, just the method has been changed, and like the prior film, crassness is seen as an replacement for comedy; although, to its credit, this movie does offer up a good deal of genuine laughers.
If you cannot see where this is going, you have not seen enough romantic comedies. Typing that is rather funny, seeing as early on it looked like this film was seeking to subvert the cliches of the rom-com. This potential subversion is best shown in a scene where Tank uses the phrase "meet-cute" and talks about its meaning within the rom-com universe. I was misled into thinking, at this point, that this was leading to something just a little bit different. However, before long the film had slipped back into the standards of the genre; in addition to the crassness making this more of a rom-com for guys, but a rom-com nonetheless.
The writing, by first-timer Jordan Cahan, is not all that strong. Take the Jason Biggs character, for example, this could have been played by anyone and the deeper into the story we get, the increasingly irrelevant. I actually felt bad for Biggs, as an actor, as he just gets lost in the larger presence of Cook. It is not only in the Biggs character, but overall, the story is just mind numbingly weak. At the core of My Best Friend's Girl is a high concept that fails to ignite any genuine emotion for the characters. Perhaps I have been spoiled by the output from the Judd Apatow camp and the way they inject heart and a palpable reality in their films.
Bottomline. Sporadically funny, but never coming together into a cohesive film. My Best Friend's Girl plays like a series of skits linked together by the slimmest of plot threads. The performances are not all that special and Howard Deutch's direction is rather plain (he's come a long way from the John Hughes' screenplays he directed earlier in his career). Unless you really like Cook, you can safely pass on this, unless you like sporadic laughter.
Very Mildly Recommended.
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