The story centers on Max Payne (Mark Wahlberg), a detective who has been assigned to the cold case department of his precinct following an investigation that failed to find the man who murdered his wife and child some three years earlier. That time has found the man continuing to retreat into himself while never giving up the hunt. His search takes him into the criminal underbelly of a New York City where a new drug, called Valkyr, has taken hold.
The problem is that the truth doesn't matter. In fact, I am not sure the story matters as Max Payne is a series of noirish scenes given a slight supernatural twist, through drug induced imagery, tied together with the loosest of threads to keep the whole thing chugging along.
Characters come and go, some are inconsequential to the overall plot while others actions make their true motives too transparent to allow their ultimate reveal to mean anything. The biggest offender is the Mona character, she strikes a sexy and mysterious persona, but she is hardly around to make much of an impact. There is potential to make her an adversary or a potentially romantic sidekick, but nothing pays off as the character is left to the shadows, underused and forgotten.
Like I said, the potential is there, it just failed to come together. It seems like the hiring of John Moore indicated that they did not wish to spring for innovation, rather deliver a serviceable film that could turn a quick buck. There is also the note I saw at IMDB that Moore wanted to please as many fans as possible. This is not a good thing. I understand the need to stay true to the source material, but when you begin indulging fans at the expense of the film you head down a path where no one will be pleased with the outcome.
I believe a good film could have been made from the material, it just needed a much more focused script to make the characters interesting and allow them to breathe a little. I guess it goes back to this seeming inability to adapt videogames to the big screen, with only Tomb Raider and Resident Evil enjoying box office success. In my opinion those looking to adapt video games need to take a look at what the comic book adapters are doing and take some notes. By and large it appears that video games do not get the respect they deserve from the film world, and when they are adapted it is more for the money than for any artistic merit. Hopefully this will change with time, just not now.
Bottomline. Some nice images do not a movie make, especially when they cannot agree on the weather. Mark Wahlberg does an admirable job, but this is not a good movie. The material is there but the desire to utilize it was weak.
Not Recommended.