Changeling is based on a true story of a woman whose son disappeared under mysterious circumstances and her crusade to find him and bring him home alive. Just how closely the events portrayed in the film resemble reality is any ones guess. The thing with any film based on a true story is that they are invariably going to be "punched up" to make the events more dramatic in order to capture the audience. As we all know, reality is boring. If you want reality, all you need is to step out your front door. In order to make reality more inviting on the screen it needs to be amped up a little, made bigger than life. I believe the broad strokes are accurate, but the finer points have likely been adjusted. Still, true or not, this is a tragic story that grabs your heart and squeezes.
In March of 1928 Christine Collins went to work and when she returned home her 9-year-old son, Walter, was missing. A police investigation followed, after months of searching Walter was found in Illinois. An ecstatic Christine could not wait to be reunited with her son. There was only one problem, the boy that stepped off the train was not Walter. Christine said as much and the police just thought she was distraught and not thinking clearly. They stuck to their story despite the youngster not knowing her school teacher, being 3-inches shorter upon his return, and have details not matching his dental records. Still, the police stood by their story that this was Walter, thus ending the search that Christine fought to keep open.
Believe it or not, there is even more to it than that. There is the work of a local reverend who has a radio show that regularly targets the corrupt police department, Gustav Briegleb (John Malkovich), an important figure to the big picture. We also have the other women of the psych ward whose only crime was being an annoyance to a police officer. However, there is one element that overshadows all others, the events that take place at the Northcott farm. These revelations cast a pall over everything else, and I admit to being shocked by what is revealed. You see, the trailer hinted at none of this, and it just gave the film that much more of an impact.
Clint Eastwood turns in yet another excellent directorial turn. He has a style that is as distinct as it is not flashy. He brings this era to life in fine fashion, keeping the story and characters on track through its intense story and even pacing. However, what I found surprising was that he was working from a script by J. Michael Straczynski. I am most familiar with him as a science fiction (Babylon 5) and comic book writer, this is another side of a man who knows his way around a keyboard, turning in a fine script.
Bottomline. This movie had an impact well beyond what I was expecting. It is dramatic, frightening, and undeniably compelling. It is a true-life story that will put you through the emotional wringer.
Highly Recommended.
hey its really gud movie
i have enjoyed it too
This is a good movie with a good story. Angelina Jolie is good in the role of Christine Collins
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