As The Reader opened we are introduced to Michael Berg (David Kross). He is on his way home from school and he does not look well. More succinctly, he feels downright sickly. He gets off the bus and begins walking through the pouring rain. He is unable to make it to his home and takes shelter in the entry way of an apartment building. Cowering along the wall he crouches, before long he is discovered by Hanna (Kate Winslet) as she returns home from work. See takes pity on the boy and takes him upstairs to get him cleaned up before taking him home. Being a fifteen year old boy, he is intrigued by the older woman, whom he spies putting on her stockings.
One day Hanna up and disappears. This moment weighs heavily on Michael who is completely unprepared to deal with the wound that this opens up. This takes him from the wide open world before him and causes him to slam the door, essentially closing himself off from ever being able to connect with anyone else again.
Some years later Michael is a law student and his class is taken on an excursion to an actual courtroom to see a trial. The trial centers on a group of former SS guards from a women's camp. As one of the women is called to answer to her story, Michael's ears perk up, he recognizes the voice. It is Hanna. As she tells her story of being a guard and the deaths that were the result of her actions, Michael the wounds in Michael's psyche are reopened and facts of both of their pasts are brought to light. These facts mull around in Michael's head and knowledge that he possesses could be a deciding factor in her sentencing, her guilt is all wrapped up, but if certain facts came out they would change the complete direction of the case.
The film is a good one that is bolstered by fantastic performances. It is fascinating; I watched this film and was unsure exactly what it was about. Was it Michael's sexual awakening and subsequent shuttering? Perhaps it is about German guilt and if there are degrees? Perhaps it is about illiteracy? It speaks to all of these things, is never terribly thorough in any of it; however, the performances are utterly captivating and the themes fade to the background of the story unfolding first hand before me.
David Kross brings considerable depth to Michael. Watch as he develops throughout the stages of the tale, the different emotions that bubble to the surface. At times the changes are subtle, but they are there and he truly carries the majority of the emotional weight. As Michael gets older Ralph Fiennes takes over the role and is less convincing, but still effective as the emotionally distant man. Supporting the Michael character is Kate Winslet who is utterly mesmerizing here. She is playing a complex character who does not offer any easy answers, but brings up many questions. Hanna is the source of Michael's issues, partially brought on by their affair and compounded by the facts brought out during the trial.
Bottomline. This is a film that is definitely worth watching despite its execution. It does seem a bit lacking, but it is so close to being truly excellent that it is easy to overlook. If nothing else, it does provide an interesting look at some of those who worked for the Nazis, a complexity not often seen. Plus, there is that whole thing about illiteracy and shame.
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