Terminator: Salvation takes us to that future time that fans of the series have been waiting ever since Arnold first asked that fateful question: "Are you Sarah Connor?" This is the war waged between Skynet and the human Resistance in the time immediately following Judgment Day. However, before we get there, there is a very important cog that needs to be put in place from the past, so, we begin in the past, 2003 to be exact.
Of course, this mission goes bad and the movie is underway. Skynet sends its Terminators out to, well, terminate. John listens to the tapes his mother made incessantly, searching for clues as to how to defeat Skynet, and Marcus climbs out of the bombed out hole resulting from that initial disastrous meeting.
What follows is a two forked story. One side has John, knowing bits and pieces of what is to come, attempting to locate Kyle Reese, who we know to be John's father from the original Terminator. The other has Marcus trying to figure out what happened, who he is, where he is, and how he fits into this world that has left him behind. All of this is going on while Skynet continues its path of destruction of the human race as the artificial intelligence seeks out John Connor.
The movie had so much potential. The opportunity was there to take this franchise to the next level. Unfortunately, this movie fell prey to rewrites and severe editing. It is clear that a lot of footage was left on the cutting room floor. The editing is horrendous as scenes end and begin with a certain lack of flow, as if conversations were cut out. This lack of character content is explained, somewhat, by director McG's claim of over 30 minutes of cut footage. Hopefully we will get some form of an extended cut down the line.
What really stole the movie, aside from the action, are the performances of Sam Worthington and Anon Yelchin. These two really saved the narrative side of the film and I would have been happy if the entire film had centered on them. Worthington, in particular, brought some definite emotion to his performance. He has a lot going on behind his eyes that add much to the story. As for Yelchin, he brings a grounded humanity to Kyle Reese. He has moments, such as hearing John Connor on the radio that point to a bigger picture, one that helps to paint the legendary John Connor spoken of in earlier entries of the franchise
I have read that Christian Bale was originally being lined up for the role of Marcus, but that Bale wanted to play Connor. The problem is that, originally, Connor was only in the film during the final act. This necessitated the beefing up of the Connor role, which in turn made the structure a bit messy. Much has been written about an earlier version of the script and the changes made, including Bales involvement over at CHUD.com, it is a must read to understand what changes were made and what pieces can still be seen in the finished film.
Technically, the film looks spectacular. It may have editing issues, but when it comes to the framing, the action, and the effects, it is hard to find fault. The movie is downright explosive. Director McG may lack the big vision that a James Cameron has, he makes up for in knowing how to stage solid action. He is like a lesser Michael Bay in that respect. As for screenwriters John D. Brancato and Michael Ferris, it is hard to judge based on the choppy product here, but I have to believe that better work could have been turned in.
Bottomline. I like the movie, it is a fun action film, but it still plays like a Mad Lib. There are holes and half baked ideas that are just enough to give you something to work with, but do not always make sense within the context of the film. Worth checking out for the action and the ideas, just do not expect the greatness we all wanted.
Christian Bale is good but that new guy, Same Worthington, was great... in fact he pretty much stole the show
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