Much like earlier Pixar outings, the trailers for Up have been decidedly less than compelling. Sure, they did spark a little interest, but cannot say that I felt an overriding desire to go and see it because of what I saw, I was more interested in the fact that it is a Pixar film. On the other hand, it is great to see movies that are not advertised in a way that the entire story is given in a 90 to 120-second chunk like trailers so often do these days. Better too little than too much any day.
Up begins in the past with a young boy who longs to be an adventurer, watching newsreels of a famous explorer named Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer). Muntz explores a hidden plateau in the Venezuelan rain forest, bringing back artifacts of his escapades, but when his findings are accused of being fraudulent, he takes off in his giant airship with his countless canine sidekicks to capture proof of his discoveries.
Meanwhile, the young boy, named Carl, does not lose his adventurous spirit. He comes across a like-minded young girl named Ellie and the two become fast friends. What follows is a montage of life as Carl and Ellie grow up, get married, buy the ramshackle home they used to play in, begin to save for their dream journey to Venezuela, and deal with all of life's unforeseen difficulties. Life always intervenes when they begin to get on a roll. As old age sets in, life intervenes one last time and Carl finds himself alone. He becomes something of a hermit, an old curmudgeon who seems to live to keep people off his yard.
Carl worked with balloons during his working years (learned during the opening montage), and this gives him the idea to pay tribute to Ellie and realize the dream of traveling to the mysterious plateau in Venezuela. He blows up thousands of balloons, attaches them to the house and lifts it right off of its foundation, off he goes, heading on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tagging along is young Wilderness Scout Russell, seeking his "Aiding the Elderly" badge. Why is he there? Well, stop looking under the porch for fake birds sounds like a good reason, no?
Before long, they are at the mysterious plateau and it is here that the real adventure truly begins. No, I am not going to tell you what happens, but it is magical, and real at the same time. The tale walks the fine line of realism and believability. The characters are so genuine and fully formed that it is easy to forget they are animated, although their adventure rarely lets you forget. It is a wonderful balance.
Another reason for the success of the film is the voice casting. Who other than Ed Asner can you count on to be curmudgeonly and have a heart of gold? His work as Carl is absolute genius. He is simultaneously that grumpy old guy you want nothing to do with and a vulnerable man dealing with loss. Then you have Jordan Nagai who brings an earnest pluckiness to Russell, a role that easily could have been annoying, but instead is endearing. Finally, Christopher Plummer as our villain is unquestionably bad, and quite possibly insane. Oh yes, writer/co-director Bob Peterson provides the voice of Dug the dog, and is downright hilarious: "Squirrel!"
Up hits on so many levels, it continues the tradition of Pixar greatness, possibly even improving on Ratatouille and Wall-E. From the story, to the voice work, to the impeccable animation, Pixar continues to lead the pack with their seemingly limitless pool of A-list talent.
Bottomline. Up is a must see, whether you see 3D or not, you will not be disappointed. For the record, I saw it in 3D and it was beautifully rendered, adding a great deal of depth to the field. The film will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will amaze you, and it will capture your imagination. What are you waiting for?
Highly Recommended.
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