I guess the problems begin with the title. Why couldn't they just call it The Goods? Why the need to tag on what is ostensibly a tag-line? I get the idea that we are supposed to believe these guys both live and sell hard, now I want to know, do they Walk Hard? Whatever the reason being, there it is. I guess I shouldn't get to hung up on it, what's in a title anyway? What matters is the content and it is not like good or even classic films have never had a bad title.
Ready's team includes the ever lustful Babs (Kathryn Hahn), the sweet natured Jibby (Ving Rhames) who has never known love, and Frank (David Koechner) a no-nonsense fellow who doesn't take too kindly to Ben's confused come-ons. They land in Temecula, California, ready to sell some cars behind Ready's intensely driven personality. They meet Ben's well to do wife (Wendy Malick), 10 year old Peter (Rob Riggle) who through a hormone disorder has the body of a 30-year old, and daughter Ivy (Jordana Spiro) who is engaged to Paxton Harding (Ed Helms), the son of Selleck's hated rival Stu (Alan Thicke).
We learn that something happened to Don Ready in his past that has driven him to sell harder than ever before. Babs just chases the 10 year old around looking to satisfy her urges, while Jibby engages a stripper in hopes of love. Then there is Frank, he just tries to avoid Ben the whole time.
The second and third acts offered little in the way of big laughs and a surprisingly high amount of boredom. There is a succession of lame jokes and attempts to make our core characters deeper than they are, which all fail.
Where to go from here? I laughed, yes, but it was mostly at scenes we already saw parts of in the various trailers. I liked most of the performers in their roles, by and large, they all had some great lines. The problem is that the glue that would have made all the pieces fit and stick was nowhere to be found with an end result being a mildly humorous mess.
Bottomline. I would have liked to have had some more payoff for the characters tales other than the onscreen text at the end of the movie. That tells me they did not know how to end it. I would have liked more laughs and better characters, a plot that was a bit more solid, and perhaps a run time that allowed a little more breathing room. You'll laugh, but when it ends you won't care.
Not Recommended.
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