This week's dominant news? The future of Spider-Man.
The Next Bond Movie Gets a Director
Sam Mendes was announced as the director of the next Bond film. There is no other information regarding story or release dates, although I have to assume that Daniel Craig will be back. I must say that Mendes is an interesting choice. He is not an action director, although I suspect he will be fine. Mendes is very good with characters, see Away We Go, Resurrection Road, and Jarhead. So, I am going to guess that the 23rd film in the franchise will dial the action down a bit from Quantum of Solace and the character development boosted. Whatever the case, I am looking forward to it.
Spider-Man 4 Gets Delayed
This news must feel a bit old by now, considering what has come since then. Still, at the time it was pretty big to learn that Sony, Marvel, and Sam Raimi were all having issues with the direction of the franchise and the script that was being developed. I was glad that they chose to delay in the hopes of getting the script right, although I did fear that it was a ploy to get made in 3D.
Spider-Man 4 Scrapped, Reboot Planned
It did not take long for the delay to turn into a scrapping. I mean, as soon as the delay was announced, Thor jumped into its 2011 release date. What I had not expected was that a reboot would be attempted so soon. Whatever the problems there were for the fourth film must have been bad for it to escalate and change gears so fast.

I am not exactly a fan of the Yellow Submarine film, but I do not know how to feel about a remake. This is slated o be Robert Zemeckis' next project and yes it will be motion capture. I admit to being perhaps a little intrigued, but the idea of recasting the Beatles has got to be a daunting task.
Transformers 3 to Start Shooting in May
They are not wasting any time are they? The second film is still fresh (rotten?) in our memories and they are already gearing up to shoot the next one? Is there a script? Well, I guess they don't really need that. They could probably ad lib the scenes, piece it together in editing and still make $350 million. Sadly, I know I will be there.
Spidey Reboot to be "Gritty and Contemporary"
What exactly does that mean? I never looked at Spider-Man as being a "gritty" character, not like, say, Ghost Rider, Punisher, or Wolverine (and weren't they gritty, well, maybe Punsher). Also, isn't the current series contemporary? I question the need for another origin film with the last one being less than a decade old. On top of that, it seems the script has already underway parallel to the sequel. Why were they planning for the sequel to fail? Seems a little fishy to me.
Thor Starts Production
On the good side of comic book heroes, Thor has begun production. The Kenneth Brannagh helmed project will hopefully be a good one. I am not the most knowledgeable regarding the character, but I have hopes. We will find out in May 2011.
Sarah Palin Joins Fox News
I cannot say I have much to say about this. Although I smell ratings! I have seen clips of her interviews with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck and that is about all I need.
Glee Gets Second Season
This series is one of the high points of the latest television season. It is well written, features good performances, is high energy, and is just a lot of fun. If you don't watch this you should, if you don't think you'd like it you may be surprised by what you find. I am very happy to see it will be coming back next season.
Peter Sarsgaard to Play Green Lantern Villain?
Sarsgaard is being lined up to face off with Ryan Reynolds in the DC hero film. It appears that Sinestro will not be the main villain, but is expected to play some role. Lantern is an interesting character I only know a little bit about the guy, but the character and his history should prove fertile ground for an epic film.
Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack Listing
I am a big Tim Burton fan and I am really looking forward to this film. However, seeing a soundtrack of rock songs makes me sad. I am not against such soundtracks and I own quite a few, but they have their place and I cannot see this being a part of that place. I am worried about how they will be crammed in. I hope for the best.

Vera Farmiga and Michelle Monaghan Join Source Code
Source Code is the next project for Duncan Jones, son of David Bowie (think he's tired of hearing that yet) and director of the fantastic film Moon. These actresses are scheduled to join Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays a soldier involved in an experimental military project to track down a terrorist.
Rob Zombie to Direct CSI: Miami Episode
Really? It will definitely be interesting to see how his horror sensibilities will translate to a mainstream television show. I am a big fan of his and I am quite interested to see how this works out. I also have to wonder if any of his actor stable will appear?
Shout Factory! Gets Rights to Roger Corman Films
More than 50 films have been acquired by Shout Factory! who has plans to restore and release on DVD these films. Titles include Piranha: Special Edition DVD, Humanoids From The Deep, Up From The Depths, Demon Of Paradise in April, Rock ’N’ Roll High School: Special Edition DVD, Suburbia, Death Race 2000, Warlords Of The 21st Century, Deathsport, Forbidden World and Galaxy Of Terror.
Four Brothers to Get a Sequel?
This John Singleton directed reimagining of John Wayne's The Sons of Katie Elder was surprisingly good and very effective. It appears that Mark Wahlberg is exploring sequel ideas. I am in the camp that a sequel is not needed.
The Collector DVD in April
This is mainly here to warn you away. This horror film made of Saw scraps is absolutely terrible. There is a reason it is taking so long to get to DVD. Nobody wants to see it.
Marc Webb to Direct Spider-Man Reboot?
This is a very interesting idea. Webb recently made his feature debut with the fantastic (500) Days of Summer. It certainly is outside the box thinking and I would be down with seeing what he could do.
Star Wars Burlesque
This needs no comment. It left me speechless.
Nimrod Antal to Direct Spidey?
Hot on the heels of the Marc Webb rumor comes this one. Antal is friends with Raimi and that may help get his foot in the door. Antal is a talented director saddled with a lame screenplay in Armored is currently working on Predators. I suspect those results will go a long way towards giving this rumor any credence. I believe he has the skill and visual ability to do it and I bet the film would be quite interesting. Perhaps he could team with Webb? Now there's an idea....
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