As you can probably guess with my extremely limited. This being true, there were only two songs that I recognized during his set. Those songs were "Thunder on the Mountain" and "Like a Rolling Stone." Now having seen the set list, there are a couple others I know but did not recognize live.
I apologize for this. Perhaps someday I will be able to speak a bit more intelligently, but until then I can only be me. Fortunately, this me loved the show and does nothing but add to my respect for the man. Sure, he sounds different than he did in decades past, that is to be expected. Sure, his voice is a bit of a nightly question mark (from what I have read about for past tours). Regardless, he has always sounded great to me, not always intelligible, but always uniquely Dylan.
The show shortly after 8:00 and the moment the music started I knew it was going to be a good night. Yes, I already knew it was but there is always a bit of anticipation leading up to the start of the show. All of those seated in the nearly sold out venue immediately rose to their feet as the lights dimmed. We remained that way for almost the entire show. I cannot think of why anyone would want to be stuck to a seat with what was happening up on stage.
As I stood there watching Dylan practice his craft I could not help but marvel about the way this man has kept going for so long. He disappears, reappears, and reinvents himself as needed while always displaying a great deal of integrity and a dedication to his craft. I felt that I was in the presence of a true artist. Dylan is more than a musician, what he has done for the art is immeasurable. There is something truly special about witnessing him perform and I cannot recommend it enough.
As for the show, each song was accompanied with a different image/pattern on the curtain behind the stage, culminating with a live video projection of the band which was just phenomenal. There was no small talk, no banter, the band was all business. Each song ended with the lights going out to lead into the next song.
I am really not sure what else to say. Well, I guess I could say that as great as the show was, I actually prefer both of the outdoor shows more, there is something about those summer nights under the stars with Dylan playing to a crowd of 6,000 strong. With that said, I would not trade this for anything.
Set List:
- Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
- This Wheel's On Fire
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
- Just Like A Woman
- Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
- Simple Twist Of Fate
- Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
- Visions Of Johanna
- Honest With Me
- Masters Of War
- Summer Days
- Nettie Moore
- Thunder On The Mountain
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
- Jolene
- Like A Rolling Stone